यादें क्यूँ याद आती हैं?

यादें क्यूँ याद आती हैं?

यादें क्यूँ याद आती हैं,
साथ बिताये लम्हों की कसक आती जाती है,
तेरे पास न होने की कसक आती जाती है,
अकेला हूँ-तनहा हूँ, सोच ये मेरी आती जाती है,
पर याद तेरी जा के फिर क्यूँ चली आती है|

याद आता है मेरा वो तुझको यूँ पलट के देखना,
आते देख तुझको पलकें नीची कर लेना,
घंटों तुमसे बात करने को नए बहाने ढूँढना,
तेरी एक झलक पाने को घंटों गली के मोड़ पे खड़े रहना,
फिर भी तेरा मुझको न देखना,

नहीं हो पास मेरे तुम तो कोई गम नहीं,
तुम्हारे होने का एहसास तो है,
ख़्वाबों की मेरी दुनिया में, तू मेरे पास तो है,
पा लूँगा तुझे एक दिन, दिल को आज भी आस है,
ऊपर वाले की रहमतों पे मेरा आज भी विश्वास है,

तभी शायद यादें याद आती हैं,और जा के फिर चली आती हैं..............


यादें (Memories)


याद उलम्हों का पुनः आभास है,
जिसमे कोई अपना रहता हमारे पास है।

अपनों की याद मुझे तब-तब आ जाती है,
जब ज़िंदगी मुझे अपना दूजा पहलू दिखलाती है। 

दूजा पहलू जीवन का वह समय है,
जिसमे बाहर से आक्रोश किन्तु अंदर से भय है।

भय की परिभाषा मेरे लिए कुछ और है,
ये तो वो आकांक्षाएँ है जिनपर नहीं चलता ज़ोर है।

जब आती है याद मुझे अपने घर की,तो माँ का चेहरा आँखों में उतार आता है,
कुछ सोचता हूँ तो पिता का खयाल दिल में घर कर जाता है।

जीवन एक पतंग है और दिल उसकी डोर है,
यादों के आकाश में इसपर कहाँ चलता ज़ोर है।

अपने आप से कहो की तुम्हारा दिल कहाँ कमजोर है,
फिर आकाश में हों कितने भी तूफान,पतंग पर कहाँ चलता ज़ोर है।

आज भी याद आते मुझे अपने पुराने यार हैं,
मेरे दिल में उनके लिए आज भी उतना ही प्यार है।
बचपन की यादों को खुद से अलग नहीं कर पाता हूँ,
सोचता भविष्य की हूँ पर ना जाने क्यूँ हर बार गुजरे कल में पहुँच जाता हूँ।

अपनों के बिना ये जीवन लगता एक पहेली है,
आज उनकी यादें ही है जो मेरी सहेली है।

                                                                                                            -अंकित उपाध्याय

Mother's love ~ Shriya

Mother's love - Selfless Love
“When you look into your mother’s eyes, you know that is the purest love you can find on this earth.”
 ~ Mitch Albom

The sketch depicts the selfless love of a Mother towards her child. You can say it is the purest form of love that you can find in this world, whatever your age is, her love will always take care of you.

A Sketch By Shriya Agarwal
VIT Vellore

Samandar ho gaya hun...

Samandar Ho Gaya hun....Now i am sea
Tu door bhi nahi aur paas bhi nahi,
Mujhse juda hone ka tujhe ahsaas bhi nahi,
Pyar tab bhi tha pyar ab bhi hai,
Intzaar kal bhi tha intzaar aaj bhi hai,
Fark kewal itna hai...
Kal tere aane ka tha aaj tere jaane ka hai,
Tu aur teri yaad ko dil se mitaane ka hai,
Din badal gaye shamaa badal gayi,
'Par' jo maine nikaale aasman badal gayi,
Daman tera chhod kar khud ke andar jo gaya hu,
kuyein se nikal kar samandar ho gaya hu,
kuyein se nikal kar samandar ho gaya hu...


A movie to encourage diary writing. Short film-Churai Hui Chitthyan

Hindi Literary Association VIT Vellore

A nice short film, very well portrayed & directed which based on the art of writing!!!!!
Do watch it, brilliant work is done by students of Hindi Literary Association, A Premier Club At VIT Vellore.

Hope you Enjoyed Watching!


Mother & Child 
खिड़की पे जो बारिश की बूंदें टपटपा रही हैं,
ना जाने क्यूँ आज मेरे माँ की याद दिला रही हैं,
आखें बंद कर के देखना चाह रहा हूँ एक चेहरा,
बस माँ ही मेरी उसमें दिख जा रही हैं|

लौट आया है जैसे बचपन आज मेरा,
ज़िन्दगी में मेरे दिख रहा है एक नया सवेरा,
खट्टी-मीठी उन सुनहरी यादों में माँ मेरी दिख जा रही हैं,
ख़्वाबों में मेरे वो बूंदें बन गिर जा रही हैं|

घनघोर बारिश की वो रात थी,
बादलों का शोर दिल में कर रहा था अंधियारा,
डर से काँप रहा था मैं,
हिल रहा था बदन मेरा सारा|

रात भर सोयी नहीं थी माँ,
बस जब मैंने डर से उनके आँचल में मुँह छुपा लिया था,
सुकून जो मिला था मुझे उस दिन,
फिर उसकी तलाश में भटकता रहा जीवन सारा|

आज जीवन की उलझनें दूर ले आई है मुझे तुमसे,
फिर भी हर पल दुआ निकलती है तुम्हारे लिए उस रब से,
आज फिर परेशानियों के भंवर में हूँ फँसा,
तो याद आई है तुम्हारी पहले सबसे| 

ना जाने क्यूँ आज मैं फिर उस पल को जीना चाहता हूँ,
आँचल में तेरे सुकून के दो पल बिताना चाहता हूँ,
तभी याद आता है मेरा तुमसे दूर होना,
पर तुम्हारे आशीर्वाद में उठे हाथ को आज भी महसूस करता हूँ| 

आज जो कुछ भी हूँ माँ मैं, सब तेरी वजह से है,
साँस ले रहा हूँ मई, तो वो तेरी वजह से है,
दुआ करता हूँ उस ऊपर वाले से,की जो ज़िन्दगी मेरी आज तेरे संगहै,
खुशनसीब होऊंगा मैं अगर कल भी तेरा-मेरा संग है|


I'm Here My Friend

EveryBody Needs A Friend

I’m your friend, i’ll share your pain.
I’m here for you through
the sunshine and the rain.

Through the pretty, the ugly,
the good, and the bad, i promise
to be here, my friendship is not just a fad.

Life is hard, but I’m here.
although losing you is my only fear.
but i know you’re strong and will
over come this fight.
just remember that in the end of
every dark tunnel you will always find
that shining light.



Dil (Heart)

Dil mera gamgeen hai,
Man mera namkeen hai,
Pyar mera rangeen hai,
Bahut hi wo haseen hai.


Don't Quit

Dont Quit 

When things, as they sometime will
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh
When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns
As every one of us sometimes learns
And many a fellow turns about
When he might have won, had he stuck it out.
Don't give up though the pace seems slow
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than
It seems to a faint and faltering man;
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victor's cup;
And he learned too late when the night came down
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt
And you never can tell how close you are
It may be near when it seems afar;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit
It's when things worst that you mustn't quit.


Ranikhet...just after snowfall...

Beautiful Ranikhet Just After Snowfall
Ranikhet...just after snowfall...
Ranikhet, a small beautiful hill station of Kumaon, located at Uttrakhand state of India. On a clear day you can easily get a 120 degree plus clean view of Himalaya snow covered peaks. When it rains or snows here, the sight is simply breadth taking. Trees, roads, roof top of houses all get covered from snow. The only color that prevails then is white.
This photo has been taken after 24 hours of the mighty snowfall of 2009, that day it rained a little bit, and just after that the rainbow appeared in the sky. Although that day there was a whole day power cut, but the tourist there still felt lucky as they were there, in the right place, in the right time. Just a few kilometers away, there is the golf ground of Ranikhet, and the sight there was even more mesmerizing. That sight has converted that place also a picnic spot for the people of nearby towns.

Vibhu's Klicks!
Photographed By Vibhutesh Kumar Singh
Camera: Sony DCS W 35
Exposure time: 1/200 seconds
Focal Lengh: 9mm
ISO Speed-ISO-100

Dil aur doosti...

Dil Aur Dosti, (Heart & Friendship), Broken Glass

Dil aur doosti bas ek kaanch si hai,

Agar tut jaye toh kabhi judti nahi,

Agar wapas chaho toh bhi,

Saath milti nahi, 

Bas yu hi bata raha hu ab tumhe,

Kisi ka dil thod kar phir rona nahi.......:-D:-D

~Shyam K C


The Theives

The night was dark,
The dogs barked.

I was on my bed,
The thieves said.

"Let's search the house",
I thought it was just a mouse.

They came inside,
I found no place to hide.

They came near me,
And asked for the locker key,

Bravely I said,"go outside
and keep this mission aside".

They brandished a shining knife,
In danger was my precious life.

They haunted me the whole night,
This drama ended with the first daylight.

I woke up from a deep sleep,
Still frightened of those truculent creeps.

My dream was really so scary,
Its unpleasant memory I still carry.


A Smile

A Smile

When you are sad,
When you are feeling bad
S gives you a smile
H do you feel for a while?
You think the whole World is against you
B there is someone who really cares for you,
If not, there's the sweet little smile,
That will be your companion all your life.



Kind Or Blind? Ornamental Use of Animal's Body part

Have you ever eaten chicken or fish fry?
& heard someone's chocked cry?
Or ever relished elaborately prepared meat,
& tried to hear someone's tormented bleats?
No, we just want to satisfy our hunger,
At the cost of someone's flesh, skin,
And even nails from the fingers.
We need perfumes made of musk's,
& jewelery made of tusks.
We need good quality leather,
& birds with bright & colorful feathers.
Inspite of being killers we are never jailed,
Rarely if we are arrested, we easily get bailed.
Have you ever seen animals carrying heavily loaded carts?
& noticed there wounded & bleeding parts?
We are pleased to see zoos full of animals.
But never noticed their captive cries & yells.
No, because we don't have any compassion,
We merrily kill them for the sake of fashion.
These innocent creatures can't express their anguish,
& we don't want to see,
So, who are animals they or we?


Odd One Out!!!

Odd One Out~ Shyam KC

Yes from a Mobile Camera Photography is possible. No Matter how expensive your camera is, the photography skill will come from inside. Your skills will make you "Odd One Out"!

Why eating in a jiffy???

Why to eat in a jiffy?

Early in the morning every mother acts like a alarm to wake each and every one in the house but whatever may be the situation we almost wake up when it is almost late. Not forgetting about the hostellers, most of the time they are late as they tap that alarm each time when it starts to sing.  So we may tend to skip bathing so as to save water and time, but never forget to bath with so called perfumes and deos. Since time doesn't allow us to eat or maybe we think it is, we just tend to grab a slice of bread or two and tend to eat it in the car while driving or just we stash in the food vigorously into our mouth.  At this intensity of this situation when the mobile rings, gone are we, at the height of dilemma what to do. We reach the office at the neck breaking time honking the car impatiently and cursing others at the traffic jam. Then we just thrash in the last piece of bread in the mouth, taking a deep breath as if we have achieved something extra ordinary. It already feels like an epoch to reach office, how could we find time for petty matters like washing the hands? As the day proceeds we are submerged in the sea of work that we have to do, then who cares to eat the lunch and drink a glass of water or two.  Tiring ourselves with the day's work, we sit back in our moving machines called cars and again do the same thing honking and cursing to reach back our homes. With whole energy drained out, gobbling anything we find to eat we lay down for the next day.
Just stop for a second or two, my dear learned ones and think where are we heading to? Are we not becoming the machines of today? We spend loads of money and hours of time sitting in the hospital in queue to see the doctor for hypertension, blood pressure and other health related issues. Can't we find few minutes in a day for eating the food calmly? Why to worry when we leave at least 5 minutes before so as to avoid the tension and irritation on our way to the office? Let us not forget the very old saying " Early to bed, early to rise makes one healthy, wealthy and wise". We tend to read but not proceed with the same. This is where we lag and it becomes a snag in our life relating to all sorts of problem in our life. If we do not forget these small things and remember each time our morning alarm rings, you may certainly find a difference for sure!!!

~Shyam K C

The dark cloud of discrimination

The dark cloud of discrimination
Sets and classes, caste and creed,
Made by humans, for their greed,
Torn by apathy, with no empathy,
I am writing this one with full of sympathy.

The nations with people with varied stature,
Why do we have then, narrowed nature,
If I look into the, near future,
The country would be in mere fracture.

For their pockets to fill and treasuries to flow,
Now reservations are on the go,
Think for a moment, on your part,
SC and ST, why they are set apart?

Thinking of a bill for those Olympian races,
Where a SC made first, for the reservation he faces,
Others may have just their talents to show,
And hang their heads with shame and bow.

With privilege and priority, they are set apart,
Often we forget the realistic part,
Nation's pride is now on a bumpy ride,
Its now us to do, something from our side !!!!!!


Sharp eyed one!!!

Portrait Of An Eagle ~ Shyam K C
Portrait Of An Eagle

Yes they are magnificent. Yes they are adorable. Yes they are Majestic. Yes they have sharp eyes.

~ Shyam KC

Flowers n flowers....

Flowers and Flowers A Colorful Sketch ~ SHYAM
Flowers, a creation of nature, which when seen as such, which when touched, which when felt, or which when painted, their beauty is always being the subject of praise.

~Shyam KC

Aerial view of mumbai ~ While Approaching Mumbai

Aerial view of mumbai
From an aircraft, even tall buildings look like small models of them, just like various Lego Blocks. Cars & bus you will  see like small small toys moving on the roads. Although from height like this (as seen in the photograph), you will not be able to see, any pedestrian person. All the world becomes so small that you will love to see. Much more area than your locality you will able to see, almost all area of a small city.

This photograph is taken from a Indigo Connecting Flight Window, from Chennai to Delhi via Mumbai. The flight has just crossed the sea, while making a round for the runway, and now it is receding towards runway towards a safe landing.

Vibhu's Klicks!
Photographed By Vibhutesh Kumar Singh
Camera: Samsung Galaxy S2
Exposure time: 1/220 seconds
Focal Lengh: 4mm
ISO Speed-ISO-32

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