
GumShuda गुमशुदा ~Ayush Jain

कुछ बातें, कुछ लम्हे,
कुछ ख्वाब, कुछ यादें,
हासिल थे सभी, 
बस हासिल हैं नहीं 
कुछ हँसना, कुछ सताना,
कुछ रूठना, कुछ मानाना,
हासिल था सभी,
 बस हासिल है नहीं
अब यहाँ हम हैं खड़े, 
बस चलने को तैयार,
जाना है कहाँ ? 
बस मंज़िल ही नहीं,
हर अक्स में है चेहरा, 
कुछ धुंधला सा
कुछ नया सा, 
तो कुछ पुराना सा
क्या हम हैं यही ?
या गुमशुदा हैं कहीं?

गुज़रा ज़माना

Guzra Zamana ~Ayush Jain गुज़रा ज़माना

बहुत याद आता है वो गुज़रा ज़माना,
वो प्यारा सा बचपन वो मासूम फसाना,

सुबह रोज़ उठकर वो यूनिफॉर्म पहनना,
वो टाई में उलझना वो पापा का सिखाना,

बस स्टॉप पर बस का इंतज़ार करना,
वो खिड़की वाली सीट की ख्वाहिश होना,

"स्कूल प्रेयर" और "थॉट ऑफ डे" से दिन की शुरुआत,
वो "PHE" और "फ्री पीरियड" की राहें ताकना,

"लंच ब्रेक" से पहले "बोरिंग मेथ्स" पढ़ना,
और लंच ब्रेक में सबके टिफिन टटोलना,

फ्री पीरियड में होमवर्क पूरा करना,
फिर शाम को ज़्यादा खेलने की उम्मीद होना,

हर "आन्सर" के बाद वो लाल लाइन खींचना,
और हर एक "डाइयग्रॅम" को सुंदर सा सजाना,

घर जाके सीधा टीवी से चिपकना,
वो मम्मी का डांटना खाने के लिए,

शाम से पहले होमवर्क की जल्दी,
छत पर फिर फुल ऑन क्रिकेट खेलना,

वो दादा दादी से क़िस्से सुनना,
"पता है, आप सुना चुके हो" ये बार बार कहना,

वो मम्मी के हाथों का गर्मा गर्म खाना,
वो पापा के आने कावेट” करना,

सब का छत पर जाकर फिर बातें करना,
तारों और सड़क की गाड़ियों की गिनती करना,

वो पापा का कहना जूते पॉलिश करके रखो,
वो मम्मी का समझाना स्कूल बैग भी जमा लो,

और कुछ ही देर में,
फिर जल्दी से सो जाना,

वो नया दिन फिर वैसे ही जीना,
पर हर दिन में खुशी, हर दिन में कुछ ख़ास होना,

हक़ीक़त था जो, अब हुआ है फसाना,
हक़ीक़त है जो, होगा वही फिर फसाना,

बहुत याद आता है वो गुज़रा ज़माना,
वो प्यारा सा बचपन वो मासूम फसाना |

Where are we heading ? Is it a dead end ?

Where are we heading ? Is it a dead end ?  ~Ayush Jain

The title may sound strange because it is quite intermingled with various domains.. Well, the world as we know it and the complete human civilization on a whole, is growing and advancing very fast.. No matter what field it may be, we really are making progress; may it be the medical field, the IT sector, the civil architecture or any other.. But, the prime question here is that are we really advancing ?? What I mean is that on what parameters do we judge that ?? 

It always has been a convention for us to judge anything, relative to something else. Forget about the leyman examples, even 'time' is something that we judge relatively.. So, with this frame of mind how do we judge the advancement of the human civilisation when we have to do it in the absolute way and NOT the relative way ??

We indeed are heading ahead in technology, medical etc. but are these the real parameters to judge the civilisation's growth ?? When we are analysing it at the level of "the bigger picture"; it's important to ponder upon at the average human being's level... The average human being of NOT some country but the average human being on this earth.. Does the medical growth improve the life expectancy of this person ?? We need to consider the economic status as well, is the treatment really within the reach ?? Does the latest technology invented in the automobile sector or the IT sector really make the life of this average person any better (don't read comfortable) ? 

It is sad that we really have forgotten the real parameters for judging the growth (or may be we never knew). Even I have no clue as to what they can be but they surely do not seem to be the ones under the current consideration because on a whole, the world seems to be heading towards more chaos.. Well, atleast the Hindu mythology (refer Kalayuga) and Nostradamus predictions tell me so.. 
Hence, it is important to realise and analyse as to where exactly are we heading. And hence we need to find the right parameters that can be referred for growth so that we do not end up in more chaos and disorder.
Even if we want to measure our growth relative to some other civilisations; well then, what choices do we have ?? We don't even know whether we are the only alive planet or not, then how can we measure only on the basis of little information we have about the past civilisations ? 

I cannot conclude this discussion, I guess no-one can but the least we can do is to think about it and find out the measures we can take to make this world more peaceful and a better place to live, for the generations yet to come..!  

The Road To Change

The Road To Change ~Ayush Jain

As we move on with life, we tend to realise that every moment, every fraction of second it is changing it's course. The course of our lives is decided by numerous factors indeed, but I believe somewhere down the line we do play a major role in it's formation. The fact is that, at times we don't even realise that these changes are what later on go on to define what we are or what we become. 

Considering that, the phase of change ie the transition is never easy to handle. The reason being, that we get accustomed to what our traits are or what our situation is, and any change in that puts us out of our comfort zone and hence the transition is not easy. 

But, that being said, it is necessary for the caterpillar to bear with the difficulties of the transition to become a beautiful multi-colored butterfly and it is not it's destiny to stay a caterpillar forever. Also, it is vital to adapt ourselves according to the changing situations only then the transition can be complete and only then it's purpose can be accomplished.

So, it's time to welcome every small or big change in life..:)

From The Blog: World Of Random Thoughts

“दुनिया खिडकियों से”

Duniya Khidkiyon Se ~Ayush Jain

खिडकियों से झांकते हुए,
जो नज़र आता है,
असल है या है फ़साना,
सोचते हुए यह मन,
बहुत चकराता है |
 अब एक अरसे से
हम जो देखते आये हैं
क्या यह वही है,
जो यह मन समझ पता है?
या फिर ,
है एक अलग ही दुनिया ,
जहां है नहीं किसी को ,
किसी से कोई भी सरोकार |
पर हासिल करने में लगे हैं,
   सभी कुछ ऐसा ,
जिसका इल्म भी उन्हें
हो नहीं पाता है ?
इक दूजे की मदद,
कर सके अगर,
तो फंसे रह सकते हैं,
वे यहाँ जिंदगी भर |
पर कौन है,
जो उन्हें समझाए,
उन्हें समझ भी तो नहीं आता है |
हम तो बस,
दर्शक हैं,
जो खिडकियों से,
झांकते हैं !
या फिर शायद,
अंश हैं हम,
ऐसी ही किसी दुनिया का,
जहां कोई और शख्स,
किसी और खिड़की से,
झांकता है,
और ऐसा ही कुछ ख़याल
उसके मन में भी आता है !!

Altered States of Human Mind

Altered States Of Mind ~Ayush JainRecently watched a really interesting episode of Strange Rituals on History Channel, about the Altered States of Human Mind. This episode was about the altered states that humans don’t really attain normally, and various cases demonstrating various different methods by which this has been achieved by a very few among mankind.
To begin with, this discussion has a lot of scientific research to back and hence it cannot just be related to spirituality and religious thoughts. I will also be giving the names of a few scientists who have worked on various aspects of research work regarding the altered states.

Altered States Of Mind ~Ayush Jain
The history is full of instances that reveal the existence of an alternate world which is way beyond our understanding and since ages it has been believed there always has been a gateway of communication between our world and this alternate world. Previous civilizations have referred to it in various different ways but the one whose references have been found quite frequently has been the human mind. It is believed that human mind is indeed the gateway through which the communication is possible and the communication has taken place time and again, in the past. So, the only probable method to attain this is the discipline of mind. This is where meditation comes into the picture.

Altered States Of Mind ~Ayush Jain
Meditation has been widely accepted by the people to attain a disciplined mind. In some of the tribes, it is believed that people used to have the ability of separating their soul from their body and their soul then could travel at a different place altogether. They could achieve this through a certain level of meditation. This also is been considered a method by which their soul actually used to enter that alternate world while their body used to be in deep state of meditation.

Another instance that justifies this is the superhuman abilities depicted by Wim Holf who can easily sustain in freezing cold temperatures in which a normal human being can never stay alive. He is a world record holder for this case and hence is known as “ice man”.

Obviously the scientists have been quite interested in finding the reason for the same and their study revealed that before undergoing any act of facing extreme cold Wim meditates for a while and then when he faces extreme cold, his body produces white blood cells immensely because of which his immune system rapidly increases and eventually his body temperature gradually increases, easily coping with the extreme cold.

Altered States Of Mind ~Ayush Jain
Another phenomenon that aids the existence of altered states of human mind and the alternate world is the phenomenon of “Remote Viewing”. To state it in simple terms, remote viewing is ability to transcend space and time, to view persons, places or things remote in space-time using paranormal means, in particular “extra sensory perception”; to gather and report information on the same.
There have been claims that during the days of cold war among US and USSR, US defense used “remote viewing” via special spies to get armory and other information about the USSR, they also later on funded this research for a long period. You can find a lot of information about this here and here.

Scientists like Herbert Benson, Sigmund Freud, Joseph Rhine have researched a lot on these topics and hence IMO the existence of the alternate world and the concept of altered states of human mind indeed has a scientific backdrop.
In fact I think our scientific community is still too young and naïve to understand these supernatural and paranormal phenomena and it will still take huge amount of time and resources for science to understand these.

Altered States Of Mind ~Ayush Jain
On the contrary, in the spiritual and religious community, the significance of intensive meditation and its effects have been recognized since a long time. They have believed the existence of an alternate world and the reference to this has been found in different religions in different scriptures (not going in detail) but have lacked in reasons and logic. If you follow science religiously, you need not believe this but at least it gives us an insight that such phenomena and incidents that science is not completely able to explain are at least acknowledged by the other community.
The discussion indeed has many perceptions. Anyways, to conclude I would say that in the current age we use a very small fraction of our brain hence, it may be true that these worlds are actually intensely integrated but attributing to our current brain usage, we just don’t have the intellect to understand this and as of now, neither does our science. After all, we are still too young in universe and have a lot to explore. ;)  

P.S: This is an interesting topic, I would like to know your take on this.


Life~ Ayush Jain
Life, What is life ?

The cry of a new born baby,
                or the laugh of a kid,
the energy of a youth,
                or the ambition of a new graduate,
the contentment of a happily married daughter's father,
                or the faith of the grandparents...
Why do we aspire something,
                which will soon get destroyed,
Why do we strive for someone,
                who will soon be separated,
Why are we happy about some possession,
                which will soon be lost,
Why do we love this life,
                which will soon be demolished,
Where do we find Life,
                and where are we ought to,
How much should we treasure Life,
                and how much be detached to,
These questions may never be answered,
                if we can't answer,

Life, What is life ?

                                 ------ Ayush Jain

Dear Me, :-)

Dear Me ~Ayush Jain
Dear Me,
Hi…. how are you doing these days? I am very sorry for not writing to you for such a long time. I hope everything is going fine. I don’t even remember when was the last time I wrote to you. But you know what, even you have not contacted me in all these years…
Anyways… I have always been thinking about you… Hey, do you remember the time when you were learning to ride a bicycle and you bumped into a person. You must have seen your face at that time. You were so scared as if you killed someone…hehe… And then you went all the way back to your home walking and weeping just to discover that the person was your dad’s friend and he was playing around with you. Actually he had already called your dad and told about it. And what about the the Diwalis? You sincerely used to take part in the prayers…. But actually praying Him to finish the ceremonies quickly so that you could begin your stupid ‘crackers bursting’…. I used to tell you a million times that its just not good for your health, but you just did not want to listen to me… And then.. you remember the result pretty well…
Well, these are just a few of the memories which I will always cherish… My brain is just  full of such memories..I will always remember the good old times passed with you….. But now a days you don’t seem to be the same guy as you earlier used to be. Ofcourse a lot of things change with time, as they always say…. “Change is the only constant thing…”
All these years I have seen you grow, I have seen you learn, have seen you experience, commit mistakes, then learn from mistakes, understand the things taught by this world, understand the things not taught by this world and what not… I am glad to meet this you with a larger domain of everything, say thinking, interests, working, friends and yes almost everything…. I do like this new you but I don’t know why I still miss you … You know, the old you…. The kind of person you earlier used to be, the way you used to think about various issues, the perspective you used to possess earlier, the way you used to talk, the way you used to hang around and various similar things… I am not saying at all that I don’t like this you but its just that sometimes I feel as if you are a stranger to me…
And this is just not possible as you and me are identical, we are same…. So, how is it possible that you seem to be a stranger to me ? ….
 I am not sure if I am making any sense to you but I am very sure that if not today, one day you will surely understand what I am saying….
Anyways, sorry to end the letter this way, leaving some unanswered questions for you…. But still…. Stay in touch…. You know we really need to communicate more… Oh by the way, happy holi .... :-)
Take care…..

Always with you,

Types of People

Types of People ~Ayush Jain

"Types of People"... Is it really possible to understand the various different types of people. Well, what compels me to write this is the "Software Engineering" exam which I have on 8 May.. Those of you who do not know as to how is this subject related to the topic, actually there is a chapter named "Managing People" in which we need to study about the various different types of people in a software based organisation. They categorise it into three broad categories...
(i) Task Oriented People : They are the ones who are technically strong and  are motivated by the task ie the work they do in their field of interest (or involvement).
(ii) Self Oriented People : They are the ones who are motivated by the rewards, success and recognition.
(iii) Interaction Oriented People : They are the ones who are motivated by the presence and actions of their co-workers, so the environment plays a significant role in their efficiency.

Well, according to "Software Engineering", that is it, only these three categories. All the people can be sorted out into any one of these categories.. I have studied this topic a couple of times before as well. I studied this in "Ethics & Values" and then in "Organisational Behaviour" as well. Even then the same question used to pop up in my mind that, really is this it ? ...

Think about it, you have met many people till date and you do meet many people on day to day basis. Will you be able to categorise them in some 3 or 4 broad categories ? I don't think so... Anyways, forget about categorising, are we really capable enough to understand this topic "Types of People"...
Sometimes, people stay together for years and years and still are unable to understand and "categorise" each other.. On the contrary, sometimes even a few hours let people decide whether they understand each other or not.

If you really need examples to understand what I am saying; well, there are ample of examples around, just have a look.. To take some influential examples, you may consider the scenario of the arranged marriage.. Some invested time, some meetings, total calculated time of a few hours, and the decision made, "category" decided. Some vital years of your life decided.
Ok.. Lets take a bit more professional example.. An interview room, a few questions, a few gestures, some preconceptions, some presumptions and the decision made, "category" decided. Also, your career of the first few years decided. 

In fact, forget about categorising many people. What about the same person changing "categories" ? People in this world change every second. Sometimes, we believe we know the person, but the moment we start relying on this belief, boom.. People change and these so called known people become strangers to us.. Lets not be pessimistic, the change can be for good as well (always its not for the bad, though this case is highly likely). Whatever it may be, but, the question remains, do we really understand people ?

May be this is one of those questions which are not supposed to have an answer. After all, life is not about categorising people (though exams are) and thinking as to we know them or not. Life is all about making the best in whatever amount you know the person or the persons. Its not about thinking and exploring the changes, may it be in people, or may it be in anything else. Rather, it is all about adapting yourself to the changing scenarios and getting the best out of it.

Enjoy all, have a good day... :)) 
~Ayush Jain

Life Moves On

and Life Moves On

Life is full of memories. I think forgetfulness is one of the greatest gifts which we have received from Almighty. Though we all wish to be able to have a sharp memory and be able to remember everything, but I truly believe what I stated above. Because of this forgetfulness only, we can say that "Time is a great healer". Numerous events occur in our lives which we really do not want to remember, in such situations this forgetful nature of ours really helps us a lot. If we would have been able to remember everything always; this world would have been a difficult place to live in. I think in that case these psychiatrists could have made cool money (well, they still are making :)). 

Every bad accident, bad event, bad experience, bad relation, anxiety, tragedy you had would have stayed in your memory and  would have haunted you whenever you may attempt to take some steps to overcome the burden and move on. Life itself really would have been tragic. Loss of a person, a family member, a closed one shatters us completely and fills us with anxiety and pain. But still we are able to overcome that because of this forgetfulness. Of course the time taken by a person to overcome varies from individual to individual but ultimately we are able to move on as we say "Life moves on" .

I thank Him for this quality (of forgetfulness) but at the same time I wish we could keep all the good memories we had; at some different partition of brain (or something like that), so that we may always remember and cherish the good moments we experienced, may it be for a few seconds or many days together. Anyways, these whims and fancies we have can never have an end. Lets be happy with what we have at least whenever something goes wrong; we can be sure that someday, sometime "Life will move on" and everything will be fine.

NEWS Bulletin - India in 2020!!

NEWS Bulletin - India in 2020!! A Satire
  • “The policies of the government in an anticipation to increase the status of women in the society; have been the prime reason for the increasing number of male foeticide cases in the country” said Mr. Chapil Dabbal, of the opposition party. These days parents are looking forward to have a girl child so that they can easily get admission in the reputed colleges for graduation and then can easily pursue their MBA from IIMs which leads to a lucrative job offer.

  • The home ministry has called an emergency meeting of all the SPs from different states to curb the issue of eve teasing prevalent in the society so that boys also can go out freely without any terror in their minds. Please note that the meeting has resolved to come up with a solution to increasing number of harassment cases against boys. 

  • IIT Nukkadgali, being the organizer of IITJEE 2021 announced that for the application form boys will have to pay INR 5000 while girls are asked to write their bank account numbers legibly to receive INR 20000 for the same. Last year many deserving girls did not receive the money due to the account numbers wrongly entered. 

  • Sh. Munna Bechareji enters the twenty ninth day of fasting, carrying out a nationwide protest for the reservation of the General category people to be increased from 0.5 % to 1% but the government seems to be ignorant on the issue. 

  • GDP for the last fiscal quarter was at a record low of 6%. A probing committee named Bundle Commission was established to find out the reasons of the same. The committee suggests the reasons to be increasing gossiping and chatting in the offices and the decreasing motivation at the work place, especially in the middle and the higher management due to the prevalent gender imbalance male female ratio which has gone down to 623 males for every 1000 females. Finance minister Smt. Haari Beemaari said another Pundle Commission will be setup to look into the issue and suggest some reforms for the issue. 

  • UGC has passed a new rule that no engineering seat can now be converted to any other course. It had become a practice amongst the private engineering colleges to convert the unoccupied B.Tech. seats to B.Sc. seats and sell them at high donations. UGC chairman has said that this kind of activity is unethical and hence will not be tolerated, if any university is found doing so, their affiliation will be cancelled unless they do not propose a “compromisal” amount (in white only) for UGC which is negotiable according to the turnover of the university.  
Note: This article is purely for fun and names of organisations or individuals used herein are assumed imaginative which have no relevance in any way with the reality; if found so it purely will be coincidental. Also, this article does not intent to hurt the feelings of any community or individual whatsoever.


“लिबासों की दुनिया, दुनिया के लिबास”

Libaso Ki Duniya Duniya ke Libas-“लिबासों की दुनिया, दुनिया के लिबास”
अक्सर यूं ही चलते हुए,
ऊंची ऊंची दुकानों के,
भीड़ भरे रास्तों से गुज़रते हुए,
बस यूं ही मैं सोचा करता हूँ |
उन दुकानों के शीशों से झांकते हुए,
कभी डराते, कभी मुस्कुराते हुए,
चमकीले लिबासों में लिपटे,
ये पुतले; मुझ पर हंसा करते हैं,
और मैं, बस यूं ही इन्हें ताका करता हूँ |
क्या यही हमारी ज़िन्दगानी है ?
जो बस चंद लिबासों की ज़ुबानी है ?
हर वक़्त, हर अवसर, हर जज़्बात,
हर जगह, हर महफ़िल के लिए; है इक लिबास |

हर तमन्ना के लिए इक लिबास,
हर तहज़ीब का है इक लिबास,
उस दुकान पर पाओगे अमीरी का लिबास,
नुक्कड़ पर मिलेगा गरीबी का लिबास |
हंसी का लिबास, खुशी का लिबास,
बेईमानी का लिबास, ईमानदारी का लिबास,
जैसी भी हो ज़रूरत,
है तुम्हारे पास इक लिबास |

पर इन लिबासों की भीड़ में,
लुभावनी और आकर्षक,
इस दिखावटी दुनिया की नींव में,
खो गया है वह,
जिसे ढूंढना है हमें,
सभी पहना करते थे जिसे,
चाहते थे, और दिलों में बसाते थे जिसे,
कहते हैं उसे इंसानियत का लिबास |
देखो ज़रा होगा यहीं,
दूर किसी छोटे से कोने में,
दबा हुआ, कुचला हुआ,
करता हुआ हम से फ़रियाद |

ढूंढ निकालो आज उसे,
पहन लो ये इंसानियत का लिबास,
इसके ऊपर फिर चाहे जिसे भी पहनो,
निखर जाते हैं सभी लिबास |

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